If your college has an open day, information evening, or if you want the facility to offer your students the opportunity to purchase textbooks whilst at college we can help!
We can offer a tailor made service to suit your requirements at a time convenient to you. Willen Limited can provide a 'bookshop' in a classroom offering a range of pre-determined textbooks at discounted prices, allowing students to browse through and purchase the latest books required to complete their coursework. In addition, it allows the lecturers and purchasing decision makers to see the latest books, discuss our trade account and discount structures and what other benefits Willen Limited can offer the college.
We believe this service provides an excellent opportunity for all involved to view and purchase the latest titles and resources relevant to their subject areas.
If you would like to discuss this service further, please contact Matthew Warden on 01858 410233 or email matthew@willenbooks.co.uk